Greetings and Welcome to our new spot!

Greetings and welcome to my After-Dark Readers Merch shop and memberships! My name is Scarlet and I write all the things my alter ego dares not write in the light of day.

As an avid romance reader with a master's in history and culture, my stories cross genres and push boundaries, weaving together facts, fantasy, and romance of epic proportions.

When I'm not writing romance, I'm crafting romantic, weather-ravaged adventures as Lindsey Pogue.

This community is where I post behind-the-scenes content, character sheets, rough chapters, character art, and more.

My stuff is epic for all the deliciously right reasons. It's spicy, steamy, gritty, but at the heart of it all is an epic love story that will give you all the feels.

So, buckle up, buttercup! Let's do this!

My current project: The Darkborn Saga; Viking Vampires in a fantasy world inspirsed by Norse mythology. I'll post new content each month, so be sure to create your free account and join the fun!

Be sure to read The Darkborn Origins prequel here to get caught up!

READ The Darkborn Origins NOW.

For more information about me, click here.